Analog VLSI Cellular Implementation of the Boundary Contour System

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (NIPS 1998)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Gert Cauwenberghs, James Waskiewicz


We present an analog VLSI cellular architecture implementing a simpli(cid:173) . fied version of the Boundary Contour System (BCS) for real-time image processing. Inspired by neuromorphic models across several layers of visual cortex, the design integrates in each pixel the functions of sim(cid:173) ple cells, complex cells, hyper-complex cells, and bipole cells, in three orientations interconnected on a hexagonal grid. Analog current-mode CMOS circuits are used throughout to perform edge detection, local inhi(cid:173) bition, directionally selective long-range diffusive kernels, and renormal(cid:173) izing global gain control. Experimental results from a fabricated 12 x 10 pixel prototype in 1.2 J-tm CMOS technology demonstrate the robustness of the architecture in selecting image contours in a cluttered and noisy background.