Correlated Neuronal Response: Time Scales and Mechanisms

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8 (NIPS 1995)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Wyeth Bair, Ehud Zohary, Christof Koch


We have analyzed the relationship between correlated spike count and the peak in the cross-correlation of spike trains for pairs of si(cid:173) multaneously recorded neurons from a previous study of area MT in the macaque monkey (Zohary et al., 1994). We conclude that common input, responsible for creating peaks on the order of ten milliseconds wide in the spike train cross-correlograms (CCGs), is also responsible for creating the correlation in spike count ob(cid:173) served at the two second time scale of the trial. We argue that both common excitation and inhibition may play significant roles in establishing this correlation.